
Posts Tagged ‘Vatican’

dime-and-facist-symbolP2 – A Proven Masonic Conspiracy

[One] conspiracy, Masonic in origin, was catapulted into the sunshine one day in March of 1981 when the Italian police searched the home of Worshipful Master Licio Gelli and found a list containing the names of some of Italy’s most prominent officials, including that of Silvio Berlusconi, a man who would become Premier of Italy and a personal friend of George W. Bush.

Founded in 1877, P2 or Propaganda Due was an irregular lodge formed as part of the Grand Orient of Italy. It had few members until Licio Gelli came to power and drastically expanded its membership within one year to over a thousand. Gelli was a former fascist, having been a “black shirt” in Mussolini’s government, and served as a liaison between Mussolini’s government and the Third Reich. Essentially setting the P2 Lodge up as a shadow government for Italy along fascist lines in the 60’s and 70’s, Gelli’s Lodge included four Cabinet Ministers, all three heads of Italy’s intelligence organizations, forty eight members of parliament, hundreds of military officers, and the cream of the crop of Italy’s industrialists, bankers and diplomats. In addition, he developed high level contacts outside of Italy as well, most notably meeting with Alexander Haig, and contacts with Henry (more…)

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